Comfort Zone

    Great things never come from comfort zone

What is comfort zone?

Comfort zone is called that “If you find yourself in a situation that makes you feel comfortable and safe in life.”

Are you in a comfort zone?

For example, you go to school/college/office and return back home. Even you couldn’t change your travel route to go your office/college. Is this routine continued daily? Yes, you are in comfort zone.

Why comfort zone is dangerous?

You can ask, “I am OK with my comfort zone and I am happy. Then why I come out of my comfort zone?”

Not really bad if you’re stay in your comfort zone. But it prevents you from improving and it stops you from achieving your goal.

“You never change your life until you step of your comfort zone”

The signs behind you are stuck in comfort zone:

    1.     No inspiring ideas:

            For the last 6 months you didn’t get any of the different/inspiring ideas. You do your routine work it means you are stuck in comfort zone.

    2.     Complaining:

            You say like “I want to do this, I want to do better and I want to do start a business.” After a year nothing has changed, but you are complaining about things /person. Your consciousness makes you stay in comfort zone.

    3.     Feeling Bored:
            If you feel your routine is doesn’t change, you feel like bored. Do you remember anything changed in your life for last 4 years?
            Don’t tell like “I have changed my Password, phone and shoes.” LOL. Probably you forget what changed in life. It’s one of the sign you are in comfort zone.

    4.     You are afraid of failing:
            You are planned well to reach  your goal but you fear about “Are plans end up with success?” so your fear makes you postponed your life goals.

    5.     Unhappiness:
            You are perfectly run life and your salary expectation in life is good. But somehow you feel less satisfaction in life. If you are in comfort zone you feel unhappy.

How to get yourself out of your comfort zone?

Great things never happened in comfort zone, right. So here listed some of the things, can help you to come out of your comfort zone.

    1.     Find new job/business:

            You ask “I don’t have a job/ business. Then how to change my job/ business? First you find/start a job that’s enough. Take new responsibility or change work environment is best way come out of your comfort zone.

    2.     Address your fears:

            It’s nature afraid of being uncomfortable. If you want to get out of your comfort zone, first you have to recognize your fears and handle it. Join Toastmasters. If you are fear about speaking that something you want do but fear is keeping you back.

    3.     Take baby steps:

            Take a small step every day it makes you reach success that you want. So create a hobby that makes you interesting in life. By breaking down your big goals into small like “You want to become a body builder” now you initially start with simple exercises.

    4.     Change your routine:

            Take a day to spend offline. It tends to wonderful change of peace and feels like healthy. Travel different way to go to your school/office or native.

    5.     Start conversation with strangers:

            It’s the most uncomfortable thing to communicate with strangers. You may feel something different in that moment. How to talk to a stranger? Think your every friend was once a stranger. 

If you are struggling to come out of your comfort zone, please comment it. We will help you. All the best!

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  1. Thanks for posting this topic.I think it will work.

    1. Wow! Thank you so much for your wonderful time to read and comment and thanks for encouraging us.
